To Tackle the Housing Crisis, Look to 3D Printing
The United States is in the midst of a housing crisis. Since the early 1900s, homeownership has been a key component of the American dream. A home was more than just real estate; it signified an investment in one’s family, community, and country.
However, in recent years, skyrocketing costs have transformed the prospect of purchasing a home from a rite of passage into an unattainable pipe dream. Perhaps more alarming is that rentals, often a precursor to homeownership, are equally unaffordable, with soaring rent prices consuming a greater share of the average American’s monthly paycheck, leaving many unable to live within their means.
One of the largest drivers of these increased costs is a lack of safe, affordable, and diverse housing stock. The United States is currently facing a shortage of between 4 and 7 million homes as of 2024, including apartment and condominium units. Developers and housing advocates have proffered a wide variety of solutions that include everything from increasing rental and homeowner assistance subsidies to amending restrictive zoning regulations.
One solution, however, is not discussed nearly as often as it should be: 3D-printed housing.
Technology that was once only suitable for aesthetic prototypes is poised to become a major transformative force in the manufacturing and construction industries. In a process known as additive manufacturing, 3D printers use data from digital models to construct three-dimensional objects layer by layer. This process can scale up to construct entire homes and even multifamily residences, dramatically expanding our options for addressing the nation’s housing shortage.
Read the full article (subscription required) in the New York Real Estate Journal or pick up the January 28 issue of New York Real Estate Journal.