H2M Flood Resiliency Article Published in The Military Engineer

H2M Flood Resiliency Article Published in The Military Engineer

H2M Senior Vice President and Public Agency Market Director Joseph Manzella, P.E., and Vice President, Deputy Private Sector Architecture Discipline Director, and New York City Office Director Robert Ikes III, RA, LEED AP, CDT, NYSCEO, NCIDQ, recently wrote and published an article on storm resiliency in The Military Engineer, the official journal of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME).

The article stresses the importance of implementing flood mitigation measures in U.S. military facilities, which are expected to incur over $387 billion in damages as a result of increased flooding and storms over the next several decades.

Manzella and Ikes also outline some of the most effective methods of protecting these facilities from storm damage, including both wet and dry floodproofing, and how managers can determine which methods are most appropriate for their facility depending on its location and flood risk.

These storm resiliency techniques and technologies are not only applicable to military facilities, but any commercial, residential, or industrial structures located in flood zones. Residents and developers in areas with high flood risk—including coastal cities such as Tampa and Miami, FL—are equally encouraged to look into these very same resiliency measures.

Visit their WEBSITE or, for SAME members, pick up a copy of the July/August 2024 issue of The Military Engineer to read the full article.