The most recent edition of NFPA 921 – Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigators, incorporates changes that will affect fire investigators and the insurance community. As contributors to the newest edition and as engineers, scientists, and fire investigators committed to the promotion of public health and safety, H2M architects + engineers is eager to bring focus to one important safety topic asbestos. Within the 2021 edition, an entire paragraph is dedicated to asbestos. While this may seem anticlimactic, it is recognized that this is but another step toward NFPA further protecting the health and welfare of the fire investigation community.
As you are likely aware, nearly all personnel entering a fire scene are subject to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Under these regulations, employers and employees have a mutual duty for ensuring their safety.
Read the article, “After the Fire” that H2M’s Kevin Taylor, P.E., P.G., wrote for CLM Magazine here.
For more information, contact:
Kevin Taylor, P.E., P.G.
Department Manager
Environment Division
631.756.8000 x 1014
Debbie Mattina, CMI
Department Manager
Forensic/Industrial Hygiene
631.756.8000 x 1604