Successful Day 2 at New York Section AWWA’s 2018 Edwin C. Tifft Jr. Water Supply Symposium!

Successful Day 2 at New York Section AWWA‘s 2018 Edwin C. Tifft Jr. Water Supply Symposium! H2M architects + engineers James Neri, P.E. shared his experience with one Long Island Water Supplier’s approach to dealing with Pinhole Leaks. Pictured below, from left to right: James Neri, P.E., Superintendent Stephen Moriarty, P.E. , Commissioner Amanda Field, Commissioner Andrew Bader and Paul Ponturo, P.E. H2M architects + engineers CEO and President Rich Humann, P.E., Joseph Todaro, P.E., and Paul Ponturo, P.E. moderated sessions on Distribution Systems, Storage Tanks, and Lead and Corrosion Issues.