Boundary, Topographic, and Construction Survey of Landfill

The Town of Hempstead called upon H2M to provide a boundary survey of the 75-acre Merrick Landfill. The survey was needed to comply with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (NYSDEC) approval process.

The site’s landscape is diverse and challenging, with 28 acres comprising eight different buildings, truck scales, curbed interior roadways, and parking fields, along with approximately 47 acres of landfill. Through a combination of conventional survey techniques, global positioning systems, robotic survey equipment, and aerial photography, H2M completed a thorough survey that satisfied the NYSDEC’s approval requirements and could also be used for future site improvements and upgrades.

Since the original survey was completed, H2M has continued conducting additional survey assignments on the site using original expanded survey baselines. In 2015, National Grid installed new gas mains throughout the site based on H2M’s mapping of the existing onsite utilities. After the gas mains were installed, H2M located the new gas mains with robotic survey equipment and created metes and bounds descriptions around them. In July 2016, H2M completed a detailed topographic survey of approximately five acres. H2M’s civil engineers then used this survey to develop a site plan for a new office building.