Public Safety Market Kicks Off Tradeshow Season
Tradeshow season is in full swing here at H2M! The Public Safety Market has several major presentations coming up. Swing by your nearest show to meet our team!
FDIC International (April 15-20 in Indianapolis, IN)
Following H2M’s massive success last year at the Lucas Oil Stadium with our Fire Rescue Station of the Future in the Lucas Oil Stadium, we’re now bringing our skills to the stage!
Practice Leader Dennis Ross and Staff Designer Aubrey Dunn are collaborating with the FDIC International team to design the set for the Main Stage in the Sagamore Ballroom in the Indiana Convention Center. Ross and Dunn’s design will transform the stage from a simple platform into a model fire station (learn more about these designs).
While you’re in Indianapolis, make sure you stop by Booth #9220 in the Lucas Oil Stadium to meet our team! Ross, along with Public Safety Market Director Patrick Stone and Director of Operations David Pacheco, will be available to discuss the perfect design for your station.
Lancaster County Firemen’s Association Fire Expo (May 17-20 in Harrisburg, PA)
Longtime regulars at the Fire Expo, Senior Project Architect Ryan Pettenon, RA, NCARB, and Project Designer Mike Freitas, Associate AIA, CSI, will represent H2M again at the 2024 Fire Expo. Pettenon and Freitas will be in the Expo Hall at Booth #241. Stop by and talk to them about your firematic needs.
Station Design Conference (May 20-23 in Glendale, AZ)
H2M is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of the Station Design Conference. You’ll have the chance to meet our team through the 1-on-ONE sessions, at their conference presentations, or at Booth #4.
Prior to the Conference on Monday, May 20, qualified attendees can join Stone, Ross, and Pacheco for a 1-on-ONE session. If you bring a project to the session, our team can guide you through the design and construction process, provide feedback, and offer second opinions.
On Tuesday, from 10:45 to 11:45 am, Ross will give a presentation titled, “Community Support is the Road to Funding.” Regardless of whether your department is paid, volunteer, not-for-profit, or municipal, funding and community support are critical for maintaining operations. Ross will discuss how to build relationships with local stakeholders, good and bad practices for community outreach, and how to identify opportunities and pitfalls.
The following day, on Wednesday, from 9:15 to 10:00 am, Stone will lead a talk titled “Vehicle Exhaust Systems 101: What You Really Need to Know!” Vehicle exhaust extraction systems are among one of the most important components of effective fire station design. Stone will help attendees analyze and select the system that best suits their needs using real-life examples and case studies.
To close out FDIC, Stone and Ross will describe their vision for the “Station of the Future – Year 2055” and their predictions for how police, public safety, and EMS stations will grow and evolve over the next three decades. Catch their final talk on Thursday at 10:45 am!
New York State Association of Fire Chiefs Fire 2024 (June 12-15 in Syracuse, NY)
If you’re in New York’s Capitol Region in June, visit us at Booth #504! H2M is proud to be a long-time supporter of the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs and we’re always delighted to bring a large team to this show.